Upon invitation from Mr. Pushkar Apta of Qualcomm India, SHELLIOS conducted a visit to Qualcomm Bangalore offices to participate in their Road Safety week. It was a great opportunity for SHELLIOS to visit the green city of Bangalore, which has such a pronounced biking sub-culture. Plus lots of people in Qualcomm offices were two wheeler riders. It was an invaluable opportunity to connect with smart engineers who are themselves riders and discuss your product with them to validate your design choices.
We met various people during this visit. One of them was Amit Pathak’s senior from IIT Roorkee – The charismatic Mr. Rohit Kapoor. He had been working in Qualcomm in their HQ and moved back to Bangalore and is now at a leadership position in Qualcomm India team. Kapoor was very happy to see the product that SHELLIOS had been building. He got around several of him young team members who delved deeply into the product design considerations and thoughts.
One observation that we had from the visit is that if an engineer is also a rider, he or she is more attuned to the problems they are facing. We enjoyed some of the deepest and most enriching discussions with bikers during our interactions at the Whitefield and Bagmane Campuses.
Puskhar, who was our host during this period, shared great new and cost effective commute service in Bangalore. He discussed with me about an app called Quick ride which was really catching up with office goers in Bangalore. It was only a few months later that we started seeing Quick Ride advertisements behind the Three wheelers in Delhi / Noida.